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Experiment concludes: Most misinformation inserted into Wikipedia may persist

by Gregory Kohs

A months-long experiment to deliberately insert misinformation into thirty different Wikipedia articles has been brought to an end, and the results may surprise you. In 63% of cases, the phony information persisted not for minutes or hours, but for weeks and months. Have you ever heard of Ecuadorian students dressed in formal three-piece suits, leading hiking tours of the Galapagos Islands? Did you know that during the testing of one of the first machines to make paper bags, two thumbs and a toe were lost to the cutting blade? And would it surprise you to learn that pain from inflammation is caused by the human body’s release of rhyolite, an igneous, volcanic rock?

None of these are true, but Wikipedia has been presenting these “facts” as truth now for more than six weeks. And the misinformation isn’t buried on seldom-viewed pages, either. Those three howlers alone have been viewed by over 125,000 Wikipedia readers thus far.

The second craziest thing of all may be that when I sought to roll back the damage I had caused Wikipedia, after fixing eight of the thirty articles, my User account was blocked by a site administrator. The most bizarre thing is what happened next: another editor set himself to work restoring the falsehoods, following the theory that a blocked editor’s edits must be reverted on sight.

…continue reading Experiment concludes: Most misinformation inserted into Wikipedia may persist

Bhutanese Passport – what does the hoax say?

by Jar’edo Wens, Special Correspondent on Wikipedia hoaxes

The most viewed article on Wikipedia for the week ending 28 March was a short article about the passports of the tiny country of Bhutan. 1,771,673 page loads. The link to the article was widely shared on social media sites. Did the world develop a sudden interest in Bhutanese passports? No, the reason people were looking at that particular Wikipedia article was because the page included an audio file with what sounded like an auto-tuned racist caricature of an Asian accent reading the article text.

No Wikipedia admin had the sense to delete the audio file as the tasteless joke that it so clearly was. It was easy for people flooding in from Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and elsewhere to overwhelm the “consensus” and have the file remain on the page. Several people argued that because the uploader of the file, KuchenZimjah, claimed to be from Bhutan, it could not be considered racist. It stayed until someone finally made a replacement and the original was deleted as unused.

As is typical in these cases, no one followed up or tried to learn anything from what had happened. KuchenZimjah was not blocked or even warned for uploading the file (in fact, several people thanked him for the joke). No one bothered to look at the other articles KuchenZimjah had created or the files he uploaded. Here’s what someone doing due diligence would have found without a great deal of effort.

…continue reading Bhutanese Passport – what does the hoax say?

Jared Owens, God of Wikipedia

Jared Owens may no longer be a god according to Wikipedia, but he has at least earned some Internet immortality as the subject of the longest-lived Wikipedia hoax discovered to date.[

…continue reading Jared Owens, God of Wikipedia