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The Nicholas Alahverdian Story: Epilogue

If you’d prefer to read the original blog posts first, see Part One, Part Two, and Part Three.

A few weeks ago — on Dec. 23rd, 2020, to be precise — we removed a three-part blog series we’d published about Wikipedia’s article on Nicholas Alahverdian, a Rhode Island child-welfare advocate who had reportedly died of cancer in February 2020. Like it or not, however, the removal of the series only made people more curious about Mr. Alahverdian, his Wikipedia-related activities (as well as his non-Wikipedia activities), and the circumstances of his alleged death. This has now culminated, directly or indirectly, in the publication of two articles by Tom Mooney of the Providence Journal, which were picked up by USA Today and Yahoo News, among others.

As we noted in our (now-deleted) explanation for the deletion, after posting the blog series we were almost immediately contacted by someone claiming to be Mr. Alahverdian’s widow, using a “throwaway” anonymous e-mail account. This person wrote voluminous e-mails threatening to sue us, our hosting company, and at least three other people who were once active on our site but are no longer involved with it in any kind of fiduciary or administrative capacity. Just to be on the safe side though, we removed the three blog entries. Unfortunately, in the meantime, more e-mails were sent by the same anonymous account to the Wikimedia Foundation, falsely (and rather ludicrously) accusing us and various Wikipedia users who had edited the Alahverdian article of extortion, “property damage,” and threatening physical violence. One of these accusations (all of which were clearly libelous) was even mentioned in the first Providence Journal article.

After we responded to the anonymous account to point out that e-mailing libelous false claims about identifiable individuals is illegal, a new “security notice” suddenly appeared on

…continue reading The Nicholas Alahverdian Story: Epilogue

Meet the Editors: Paul Benjamin Austin

by Sauna A. Tulip

Wikipedia editor Paul Benjamin Austin has had an account since 2002, but started editing in 2001, before most people had even heard of Wikipedia. Back then he was known as PMelvilleAustin or PMA (for Paul Melville Austin). He was an admin, but resigned – twice. Looking over his many contributions, it isn’t hard to spot some of his interests: Dr. Who, Enid Blyton, children’s television programs, child actresses, and, most especially, murdered girls.

There is (apparently) nothing wrong with being very, very interested in little girls on Wikipedia, but Paul Austin seems to have engaged in some disturbing behaviour outside of Wikipedia too.

Online community warnings

In March of 2010, a blogger posted a warning to the Dreamwidth and LiveJournal communities about a troll identified as Paul Melville Austin (and a long list of other names, including Paul Benjamin Austin).

He has several behaviors, and a general pattern by which you can identify him:

He contacts users via email, IM’s or private messages.He usually presents himself as either a young woman (generally using a stolen icon) or as an older, disabled man.He frequently changes his name with each contact.He will generally start out saying something like “can I talk to you?”He then launches into a story of abuse.Sometimes the abuse will be sexual and sometimes it is disability-related, with either a sexual or humiliation component. The specific details vary from contact to contact.He will often express gender identity confusion and/or dating problems.He is interested in alternate history and fandom and will sometimes try to use this to get close to his new target.He often sets off the “squick-o-meter” when conversing with people. You may get a

…continue reading Meet the Editors: Paul Benjamin Austin

Somehow Wikipedia Never Learns

A story of over a decade’s worth of BLP shenanigans from the world of Canadian politics and journalism, featuring Mark Bourrie, Rachel Marsden, Mike Duffy, David Suzuki, and Warren Kinsella.

…continue reading Somehow Wikipedia Never Learns