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EXTRA CREAMY WIKIPEDIA – adventures in advertising



By Nathalie Collida and Andreas Kolbe

You wouldn’t think of Wikipedia as an “extra creamy” website, but that is the term that professional Wikipedia writing company Wiki-PR, recently banned from Wikipedia, used on its website to advertise its services. In what appears at first glance like a badly written article on the history and various uses of yogurt, the narrative then takes an abrupt turn. It reads like this:

Yogurt is of foodstuff whose origins are shrouded in the mists of time. While there is no exact record as to when milk was first fermented into its yoghurt form, there is evidence from as early as 2000 BC of yogurt being produced and eaten.

In the present day, yogurt is available in an array of varieties and flavors. By utilizing different milks it has been possible to meet all kinds of specific dietary need. For those who are trying to lose weight, low calorie options are available, providing a sweet and healthy treat with which to end a meal.

As a dairy product manufacturer is vital that customers have access to accurate and unbiased information about both your brand ethos and your commitment to high quality production. A straightforward way to get this message across to consumers is to make a Wikipedia page. Utilizing the enormous popularity of Wikipedia means that you can easily and simply convey essential information about your company and your products in a format that is widely recognized and easily understood.

For many businesses, the question of how to get on Wikipedia can be troublesome to resolve. Wikipedia has a number of rules and guidelines that are designed to oversee who and what qualifies for a page of their own. Attempts to create a

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