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Wikipedia and the Deep, Dark Web

By Dolores Haze

Numerous Wikipedia articles about the Dark Web, and various sites and entities operating within it, contain links to forums and websites supporting activities that would generally be described as criminal — selling drugs, hacking secure networks, stealing credit card numbers, and so forth. Sometimes, links to fake websites are added by the criminals themselves as part of their efforts to ensnare people (many of whom are also criminals) into parting with personal or financial details. Many have reported being scammed this way, with Wikipedia acting as an otherwise innocent-looking gateway into the scams and frauds of the Dark Web.

There are no background checks on editors in this (or any other) topic area, so any thief, drug dealer, or pedophile could be editing articles about the Dark Web with impunity. Recently we noticed that someone tried to draw attention to the problem on Jimmy Wales’ talk page, providing numerous examples. Unfortunately, the responses from Wikipedians were not very helpful. One claimed the person was “promoting censorship,” though all he was actually doing was expressing his disapproval of Wikipedia linking to criminal websites. Another even argued that linking to websites that sell and trade child pornography would be “fine,” as long as the sites don’t host any of the child-porn images themselves! The sheer repulsiveness of this stance should be obvious; even sites that specialize in hardcore pornography don’t intentionally carry such links. Hopefully — hopefully — the person in question isn’t typical of most Wikipedians, and we can safely shift our focus to… someone else.

Meet the editors: Deku-shrub

Cute, but looks can be deceiving.

At least one convicted child-porn possessor that we know about has been editing in

…continue reading Wikipedia and the Deep, Dark Web

Wikipedia – Men and children first

By Nathalie Collida and friends

It’s no secret that Wikipedia has a shortage of female editors. According to a survey commissioned by the Wikimedia Foundation in 2011, a mere 8.5 per cent of the people contributing to the online encyclopaedia identify as women. In a recent op-ed piece for the Los Angeles Times, Sue Gardner – who became the figurehead of Wikipedia when she signed up as Executive Director with the Wikimedia Foundation 5 years ago – tried to explain this by focusing on what she perceives as the “geeky, tech-centric, intellectually confident, thick-skinned and argumentative” nature of the average Wikipedian. Outside observers, among them Web2.0 expert Joseph Reagle, add another component to the mix: good old-fashioned sexism. His latest study, “’Free as in sexist’ Free culture and the gender gap” examines how the combative locker-room culture of Wikipedia’s male contributors – a good portion of whom are teens and pre-teens – makes women less likely to participate. While Reagle’s journal article relies heavily on previously published analyses and interviews with Wikipedians, we’ve decided to take a look under the bonnet of Ms Gardner’s million-dollar on-line empire, with examples taken not just from articles but also from areas of the encyclopaedia and its sister projects often overlooked by its readers: the talk pages of articles and editors as well as various discussion boards.

Wikimedia Commons and the art of masturbating in public

Natka Brown is a Russian-born language teacher who not only contributes to Wikipedia but also uses the site and its picture library Wikimedia Commons with her 8-year-old granddaughter by her side. During an unrelated search on Commons, she came across one of the thousands of pictures of male masturbation hosted on the project. Surprised and offended, she started a conversation on the Mediawiki IRC channel and was

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