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Wikipedia’s Credibility Is Toast

For almost ten years, Wikipedia claimed that the electric toaster was invented by someone named “Alan MacMasters” — a man who never existed.

…continue reading Wikipedia’s Credibility Is Toast

The Nicholas Alahverdian Story Update

The overall effect of incidents like the Nicholas Alahverdian case is to make Wikipedia seem as vulnerable and easy to manipulate as ever, at a time when Wikipedia is already under pressure to make good on its PR-campaign promises to be a “bulwark” against online disinformation.

…continue reading The Nicholas Alahverdian Story Update

Jennifer Love Hewitt Does NOT Do Porn

Wikidata is trying to make it look like certain actors and actresses, who have never appeared in pornographic films or videos, are associated with porn websites. Why? Is it simply because they can?

…continue reading Jennifer Love Hewitt Does NOT Do Porn